Monday, November 7, 2011

Trey's 18 month stats

We had Trey's 18 month appt. today and he weighed in at 22 lbs. 3 oz. (5th %), was 32 inches (25th %) and his head was in the 25th percentile. Carter was 24 lbs. 8 oz. and 32.25 inches at this age so Trey is a tad smaller than his brother...which he regularly has been! He is right on track for everything and had to get two pokes and just cried and cuddled with me for a minute. Carter came with to get a flu shot and was a very brave big brother and did great! Here are some recent pics of our little Trey man. Overall he is a very sweet little sensitive happy boy but unfortunately his big brother likes to drive him nuts so most days we see lots of tears! He likes to wrestle with Carter but usually is the one who winds up hurt. Hopefully once he can talk more they will be able to play a little bit more together. He is a typical boy who loves to build things, play with trucks, tractors, balls and anything boy and of course do what his big brother is doing! He loves to cuddle with his blankie and we call him Linus as you can usually find him with his blanket over his shoulder with his thumb in his mouth. He is a pretty good eater and although he doesn't say much we can usually figure out what he wants. He will forever be the middle child so we have a soft spot in our hearts for him! Love you Trey!

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