Friday, December 23, 2011

A glimpse into Christmas at our house

Since ya'll don't stop by our house at Christmas time I'd thought I'd give a quick glimpse at a few traditions and some decor around our house this season. I don't go all out by any means b/c with three little ones and one little guy that gets into everything it's not worth it. We've already had a few broken ornaments.

First off we don't have a fireplace and we don't really have a good spot to hang our stockings without the kids getting into them so I found this great sign on etsy and she made it to match our house perfectly!
Here is a picture of our tree decorated with our three little models.

Some decor on our shelves.
Some chocolate snowmen I made for some of Carter's teachers at church along with the ornament he made at M-LIFE.
And of course we had to make Christmas cookies. Carter was a big helper.
And Trey enjoyed the finished product!

We also made a gingerbread house. We had to make it super FAST b/c the boys wouldn't quit eating the candy! Trey wanted nothing to do with being in this picture. Every year is more fun as the boys can do more and more stuff.
And lastly just a picture of our pictures!Looking forward to our family of five Christmas together tonight. Homemade pizzas and sparkling juice by candlelight. :)

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