Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Day of Firsts

Today Carter went to Aunt Kate's for the day for the girls and grandma to babysit. Kate does hair out of her house so when I picked him up we had a hair cut scheduled for him. He was a pretty big boy for it but by the end he was pretty much done. It looks so much better and I can't believe how BLONDE he is now.

Here is the before:


And the final product:
Thanks Aunt Kate!!

Tonight Borculo CRC, where the rest of my family attends, was having their annual Cadet & GEMS Pinewood Derby race at the school so since Brian was bowling I decided Carter and I might as well go. First the Cadets raced, then the GEMS, and then anyone else who wanted to donate $25 to enter could race. So of course my brother Mike had to. Mitch wasn't too far behind but Mike ended up winning over EVERYONE! It was pretty fun. He gets to keep this traveling trophy until next year. Oh and this was Carter's FIRST official car race. :)


Unknown said...

verry funny :D

Teresa said...

Carter looks adorabe and his hair does look really blonde!

Jeff, Kylie, Parker, Griffin and Tessa said...

I love the hair Kelly. I am a huge fan of the spike as you know! You are right he is really bonde. Sooo Cute!

The Rotman's said...

Love it! It does make him look so grown up though. It's nuts that he'll be 1 in just a few weeks. Wow!